Sigils are ancient symbols associated with Archangels, Angels and other Spiritual Beings.
Every Sigil has the properties of enhancing communication with that particular being. It opens a direct line between you and that Being.
For example, by wearing or meditating upon a Sigil, one can embody the essence of that being and receive help, protection and guidance.
The stainless steel medallions are a little over 1" in diameter and come with a sturdy 22" stainless steel chain.
Gabriel: Protection. He helps to clear away confusion and achieve the wisdom you need to make decisions, obtain the confidence you need to act on those decisions, communicate effectively to other people, and raise children well.
He serves as the patron saint of journalists, teachers, clergy people, diplomats, ambassadors, and postal workers!
Michael: Helps drying a crisis, brings reassurance, motivates you to be more organized and productive and fulfilling your life‘s purpose, Helps you to develop skills And talents that you will need to support you.
Michael is concerned chiefly with protection, truth, integrity, courage, and strength. If you are having difficulty in any of these areas, Michael is the angel to summon
Uriel: Go to him before making decisions, learning new information, solving problems and resolving conflicts. They also turn to him for help letting go of destructive emotions such as anxiety and anger, which can prevent believers from discerning wisdom or recognizing dangerous situations.
He serves as the patron saint of the arts and sciences for his ability to inspire and awaken the intellect.
The angel of healing. He works to heal peoples minds, spirits, and bodies so they can enjoy peace and good health to the fullest extent!
Whenever you notice the beauty of God's natural creation around you and sense an urge to take good care of it, Raphael may be nearby, say believers. Raphael is passionate about convincing people to pursue healing not only for themselves but also for the Earth's environment.
He gives guidance on how to heal and restore relationships you have with others that have become broken!