This is an end of the year and beginning of the year course to help you start the new year off right! Not only will you get a ebook type packet but you'll also have the option to participate in an uncrossing spell service and a prosperity service. The packet teaches you to do your own release ritual, summer pots, vision frames, and so much more! A long podcast will be sent to every student as well. Full course will get a small package in the mail. Full will get a box with everything to make a vision frame and to do all the things in your packet. This course will be available until March 2023
I will accept payment plans on my basic and full courses if needed. upon signing up for this course you will receive your E book packet to your email, as well as the podcast. If you enter into the fall or the basic courses you will receive items in the mail. Please follow all instructions in the packet and all instructions on the podcast. If you have any questions message me personally.
Let's start this new year off right