We are in Super Moon energy until March 2nd 💫

Sacral Chakra Balancing

Sacral Chakra Balancing

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Our sacral chakra point is located in our lower abdomen and It is associated with our emotions, fertility, sex lives and sexuality, pleasure , etc. The sacral chakra is your driving force for all the enjoyment you have in your life.

Unbalanced or over active sacral chakra can cause fertility issues, lack of pleasure, insecurities, detachments, Or you can have too much sex, Become overly aggressive, detach emotionally, And even become codependent.

With this service we are going to focus on this area. We will remove any dependencies you have, those mood swings will disappear, you won't feel overwhelmed and you'll be able to be PRESENT. You'll be grounded and emotionally available for others and to cope with everyday issues.

Send your photo, full name and birthday to the locations below upon booking. Include your address if you would like the kit.

*choose from our basic entry or choose the entry that Will come with a kit! * 


Kit contains: a bath mix, 1 sigil candle, 1 glass enchanted candle, sample oil, crystal, and incense. 


Text: 619-350-7068
Email: blackraincovenbookings@gmail.com