Removals: Tie removals, blood tie removals, soul tie cutting, childhood trauma removal, toxic removals, removing hexes and curses, etc.
Healing Services:
Healing jars heal ailments , pain, and emotional heartache.
There are some things that cant be healed however!
General healing, relationship issues, self care/love, depression and anxiety, Fertility, etc
Protection jars protect against evil, hexes, enemies, and anything negative.
They can also be used to cease negativity that is currently happening!
Not only can you protect yourself but you can add your family and friends to your jar to protect everyone that you love!
Protection from the evil eye, curses and hexes, gossip, ill will, physic attacks, domestic abuse, etc.
Cord Cutting: this is to remove a bond you have with someone and cut the ties completely. Removes soul or blood ties and helps you to move on from a person and heal properly. Some people can’t stand the person afterwards, results vary.
*Soul/Blood tie removal is a cord cutting service.*